Home > Dining > Recommendation from the chief cook > Turtle Meat (when a soft-shelled turtle meets a hard-shelled turtle - this is how the Chinese people call it)

Turtle Meat (when a soft-shelled turtle meets a hard-shelled turtle - this is how the Chinese people call it)
Photo details: Humans have a long history of eating turtles and this has been recorded in the book of Hills and Seas. Soup of turtle meat and eggs is a conventional Chinese delicacy and has been regarded as a valuable dish. It is rich in protein and many kinds of vitamins and amino acid but low in fat, thus makes it a high class nutrient food with medical values. The soft-shelled turtles are close relatives of the hard-shelled turtles. They are also favored by people as nutritious seafood. Steamed, boiled, stewed, baked, or fried, it will be in different flavor but will be of the same effect to delight your appetite. For its nutrient value, it is particularly a good choice to people who have a weak health, because it can drive the harmful things out of the body, make the blood runs better and thus strengthen the health. In this winter, when a soft-shelled turtle meets a hard-shelled turtle, these two buddies work together to warm your hands and feet, to protect you from the cold. And, at the same time, it will serve as a delicious dish.